Turner's Kids

This blog is a place where kids can get together and talk about their classes and get help with their homework. They can also share links and ideas for projects.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

class projects

I would like to hear about your plans for the medieval projects. Do you have it all planned out? Do you need help or ideas for getting started? Let me know.

Mrs. Moffett

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Welcome to Mrs. Turner's class blog, where you can find homework help and other fun stuff. To join, you only need to be a member of Mrs. Turner's Gate class at Horizon Elementary School, in Boise, Idaho. I will include useful links and helpful tips as I find them. If you would like to suggest one, just e-mail me at khmoffett@cableone.net or follow the posting instructions on this blog site.